It has been reported that the prospect of easing the covid-19 restrictions has actually led to an increase in anxiety levels by 67%. These anxieties include using public transport, going to public places, returning to work or studies, and attending social events. Many of us have become used to the restrictions and are now worried about getting back to what life used to be pre-lockdown.
Managing our mental well-being and coping with anxiety is more crucial now than ever as there are a number of challenges that we will all need to face in the coming weeks and months. It will be changing our mindset to be more positive that will help us to manage moving forward.
So how do we make sure you are moving towards a positive mindset in what, I am sure what can all agree, has been a crap time.
· Self awareness – it is so important to understand your emotions and reflect upon how you are feeling. It is okay to be angry and it is okay to feel depressed. Be aware changes in how you are feeling. There are so many different symptoms of stress and anxiety including physical, psychological and behavioural. When you recognise that feeling setting in, be aware it is often the small things that tip the balance. By understanding why we are feeling a certain way, it is often easier to deal with and see past those feelings.
· Regaining control – taking back control can help us to feel empowered. To do this we can take control of anything which is within our power. We must learn we cannot control everything, but rather than focusing on what we cannot control, we can take charge of those things we do have control over. Prioritising what we want to achieve and having structure in our days can help to give clear us a clear focus.
· Setting goals – this will give you focus and motivate as well as a sense of direction. By breaking down you goals it will be much easier to take action to contributes to your goals. Visualising yourself achieving your goal can show you exactly how it will feel to be successful and help you to bring your goals to life. Writing your goals down, along with an action plan can help reinforce them in your mind.
· Manage your mindset – our thoughts directly influence our feelings and behaviours. Ultimately, if you think negatively, you will feel negative and act in a negative manner. To shift the focus, you will need to consciously identify and acknowledge the positives in your life. Identifying achievable goals for yourself can be great for giving you a sense of purpose. It is important to look at the language you use with yourself. You inner voice often creates doubt, lack of confidence and anxiety. You wouldn’t be okay with other people doing this to you so why would you allow yourself to treat you in this way. Treat yourself with kindness and remember positive language goes a long way to reinforce a positive mindset. Breathing techniques promote a state of calm and relaxation. They can help you to change your focus away from the negative and calm you mind giving you a break from anxiety.
· Support networks – support networks with friends and family are hugely beneficial to provide support and share your feelings and experiences with during the crisis.
There are many steps you can take to help you cope with anxiety, particularly concerning the current changes and those changes still to come. I am launching a 4-week online anxiety release course on the 20th July. It is designed to help release anxiety as well as coping with the symptoms of panic attacks that often present themselves with anxiety. By learning to work through the often terrifying symptoms of a panic attack, it can reduce the fear of them occurring which can actually stop them occurring to begin with.
If you think you could benefit for this anxiety course, please get in touch. It is currently offered at only £40 and can help you to move forward with ease and let go of anxiety.